Participation in European Commission's Public Consultation on the Greek Market Reform Plan
The Greek retail market has well documented and persistent structural characteristics affecting current as well as prospective conditions of competition, that cannot be overlooked. Our Association strongly believes that the Market Reform Plan should include a thorough review of these structural characteristics and that due attention should be given to the assessment of appropriate regulatory measures or reforms, aimed at addressing asymmetries between energy suppliers in order to enhance retail market competition, including inter alia with respect to the development of RES PPAs.
Τιμολόγια προμήθειας ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας με σταθερή τιμή
Έκτακτη και αναδρομική Διορθωτική Εκκαθάριση της Αγοράς Εξισορρόπησης
Διαχείριση ληξιπρόθεσμων οφειλών πελατών στον κλάδο της προμήθειας ενέργειας